Saturday, 17 July 2010

An Evening Down the Pub

I spent yesterday evening down the pub in town and sampled a few cask ales which were on offer. I've only started to get into my ale recently but I'm already beginning to appreciate the increased flavour which you usually get with good beer as opposed to mass produced, watered down lagers.

The first ale I sampled happened to the best out of the bunch. I've been impressed with Cornish ales (Doom Bar etc.) previously and this time a pint of Tribute from St. Austell brewery once again proved to be a hit. The beer is very well regarded and has gained many awards as well as being consistently voted as one of Britain's Top Ten Cask Ales. Originally called Daylight Robbery, Tribute is now named as such as a tribute to the 1999 solar eclipse. The beer is bronze in colour and has delicious malty and citrus fruit flavours throughout. A great beer!

Next up was a 2010 speciality beer from Bateman's brewery – England Expects (more than that shite). The ale was another nice sup - easy to drink and amber in colour, the beer had a pleasant hoppy flavour which was a nice contrast to the more fruity Tribute I drank earlier.

Finally I had a pint from Welsh based brewery Brains. I sampled the Brains SA, which is one of their more famous bitters. The beer had a nutty edge to it but there was something that stopped me from enjoying it as much as I had the previous two. Perhaps it was overly dry, who knows? Whatever it was didn't make it an unpleasant beer, I just preferred the previous two.

After another two pints of Tribute, I stumbled home – ever so slightly pissed.


  1. Tribute what an ale! we have Badger Brewery here in Dorset Fursty Ferret try it if you ever get the chance. Of course on my Travels to watch the Rams in Derby I cannot resist a Marstons Pedigree! My absolute favourite that.

  2. I agree Calan, a fantastic beer! We've got some of that Fursty Ferret on sale in Sainsbury's at the minute so I'll give it a try. I'll keep my eye out for the Pedigree also.

  3. Good to see one so young appreciate the finer drinks on the market as ooposed to the stellacarlingsberg that so many drink!

    Keep up the good work,


  4. Like my beer with a bit more taste to it 19. Although I must confess - my first pint was a Carlsberg (hangs head in shame).
